
This class helps with retrieving images from the internet given an URL. A convenience method is also available if the URL is embedded inside a media abstract item. In order to use this class, import into your existing class with:

#import <LiquidPlatformKit/LDKRemoteImageCache.h>
 * @discussion Singleton method, returns single instance of the class
 * @warning This should be the only way to use the class, do not create using alloc / init
 * @return The singleton instance of this class
+ (LDKRemoteImageCache *)sharedInstance;

 * @discussion Convinence method to retrieve an image for an http url or a media abstract
 * @param nameOrUrlString the string of the url or mediaId starting with mediaAbstract://
 * @param completionHandler the asynchronous block called after the images have been retrieved
- (void)imageForNameOrUrlString:(NSString *)nameOrUrlString completion:(void (^)(UIImage *image))completion;

 * @discussion Convinence method to retrieve an image for an http url
 * @param nameOrUrlString the string of the url
 * @param completionHandler the asynchronous block called after the images have been retrieved
- (void)imageForUrlString:(NSString *)urlString completion:(void (^)(UIImage *image))completion;

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