
Liquid Core API contains a class (LDMFunctionManager) that contains useful methods that help with query generation and interaction with Liquid Server. Many of these methods assist with date formatting especially when used as a function parameter. If you find the need to write a custom method so that the result may be used as a function parameter, the best way would be to extend LDMFunctionManager with your own category. In order to use this class, import into your existing class with:

#import <LiquidPlatformKit/LDMFunctionManager.h>


 * @brief A simple way to create a new unique ID
 * @return A string that can be used as the primary key for any field
- (NSString *)uuid;

Number Rounding / Formatting

 * @brief A number parsing helper, removes decimals
 * @param input The number to be parsed, can be a NSString or NSNumber
 * @return String representation of number, rounded down with no decimal places
- (NSString *)floatWithoutZero:(id)input;

 * @brief A number parsing helper, keeps decimals
 * @param input The number to be parsed, can be a NSString or NSNumber
 * @return String representation of number, rounded up to 2 decimal places
- (NSString *)floatWithZero:(id)input;

 * @brief A number parsing helper, removes decimals, formatted with $
 * @param input The number to be parsed, can be a NSString or NSNumber
 * @return String representation of number, rounded down with no decimal places, starts with $
- (NSString *)toCurrencyWithoutZero:(id)input;

 * @brief A number parsing helper, keeps decimals, formatted with $
 * @param input The number to be parsed, can be a NSString or NSNumber
 * @return String representation of number, rounded up to 2 decimal places, starts with $
- (NSString *)toCurrencyWithZero:(id)input;

 * @brief A number parsing helper for formatting percentages
 * @param input The number to be parsed, can be a NSString or NSNumber
 * @return String representation of number, multiplied by 100, no decimal places
- (NSString *)toPercent:(NSNumber *)input;

 * @brief A number parsing helper for formatting percentages
 * @param input The number to be parsed, can be a NSString or NSNumber
 * @return String representation of number, multiplied by 100, keeps 1 decimal place
- (NSString *)toPercentWith1Decimal:(id)input;

 * @brief A number parsing helper for formatting percentages
 * @param input The number to be parsed, can be a NSString or NSNumber
 * @return String representation of number, multiplied by 100, keeps 2 decimal places
- (NSString *)toPercentWith2Decimal:(id)input;

String Parsing

 * @brief Returns yes / no instead of true / false
 * @param input The value to be evaluated, can be a NSSTring or NSNumber
 * @return The string YES or NO, instead of true or false
- (NSString *)yesOrNo:(id)input;

 * @brief Returns yes / empty string instead of true / false
 * @param input The value to be evaluated, can be a NSSTring or NSNumber
 * @return The string YES or Empty String, instead of true or false
- (NSString *)yesOrBlank:(id)value;

 * @brief Returns upper case version of input string
 * @param input The string to be transformed
 * @return The upper case version of the input string
- (NSString *)toUpper:(NSString *)input;

 * @brief Returns lower case version of input string
 * @param input The string to be transformed
 * @return The lower case version of the input string
- (NSString *)toLower:(NSString *)input;

 * @brief Returns empty string or just the input parameter
 * @param input The string to be evaluated
 * @return The input string if it exists, otherwise an empty string
- (NSString *)noneIfEmpty:(id)input;

 * @brief Returns input parameter or the string N/A
 * @param input The string to be evaluated
 * @return The input string if it exists, otherwise the string N/A
- (NSString *)notAvailable:(id)input;

 * @brief Substring for first six characters
 * @param input The string to be evaluated
 * @return The first six characters of the input string
- (NSString *)firstSixCharacters:(NSString*)input;

 * @brief Substring for last six characters
 * @param input The string to be evaluated
 * @return The last six characters of the input string
- (NSString *)lastSixCharacters:(NSString*)input;

 * @brief Transform array of strings into a comma separated value string
 * @param input The string to be evaluated, should be NSArray
 * @return A csv string composed of the values in the array
-(NSString*) toCSVString:(id)input;

 * @brief Format the address block into one formatted string
 * @param address The LDMItem to format, should be of itemType Address
 * @return A string with new lines to describe the addres block
- (NSString*)fullAddressOnMutipleLines:(LDMItem*) address;

Image Helpers

 * @brief Simple transformation from UIImage to Base64 encoded string, schema should be type base64
 * @param image The image to be converted
 * @return A base64 encoded string that respresents the input image
- (NSString *)encodeToBase64String:(UIImage *)image;

 * @brief Simple transformation from a base64 encoded string, to an UIImage
 * @param strEncodeData The base64 encoded string that represents the image data
 * @return An UIImage that is decoded from the input string variable
- (UIImage *)decodeBase64ToImage:(NSString *)strEncodeData;


 * @brief A simple check to ensure a valid phone number
 * @param phoneNumber the input string to be evaluated
 * @return True or False in an NSNumber format depending on whether the phone number format is valid
- (NSNumber*)isValidPhoneNumber:(NSString*)phoneNumber;

 * @brief A simple check to ensure a valid email
 * @param emailAddress the input string to be evaluated
 * @return True or False in an NSNumber format depending on whether the email format is valid
- (NSNumber*)isValidEmail:(NSString*)emailAddress;

Date And Time Manipulation

 * @brief Formats input date into MM/dd/yyyy format, for local time zone
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)toShortDate:(id)dateObj;

 * @brief Formats input date into MM/dd/yy hh:mm a format, for local time zone
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)toShortDateWithTime:(id)dateObj;

 * @brief Formats input date into MMMM/dd/yyyy format, for local time zone
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)toLongDate:(NSDate *)date;

 * @brief Formats input date into MMMM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a format, for local time zone
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)toLongDateWithTime:(NSDate *)date;

 * @brief Formats input date into MM/dd/yyyy format, for GMT (UTC) time zone
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)toShortDateAsGMT:(id)dateObj;

 * @brief Formats input date into MM/dd/yyyy format, for local time zone and defaults with N/A
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format, N/A is date is empty
- (NSString *)toShortDateWithDefaultString:(id)dateObj;

 * @brief Formats input date into MM/dd/yyyy format, for GMT (UTC) time zone and defaults with N/A
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format, N/A is date is empty
- (NSString *)toShortDateAsGMTWithDefaultString:(id)dateObj;

 * @brief Formats input date into EEE MM/dd/yyyy format, local time zone
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)fullDate:(id) dateObj;

 * @brief Simple helper to return the current date in MM/dd/yyyy format
 * @return The current date in a string format
- (NSString *)currentShortDate;

 * @brief Determines if the input parameter is for "today" (same year, month and day)
 * @param input The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return true if the input date is for date, false otherwise
- (BOOL) isDateForToday:(id)input;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the number of seconds from "now" to beginning of 1970
 * @return A string for the number of seconds since 1970, no decimal places
- (NSString *)now;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the number of seconds from "now" to beginning of 1970, plus 1 hour
 * @param input The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
- (NSString*) oneHourFromNow;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the number of seconds from "now" to beginning of 1970, plus 3 months
 * @return A string for the number of seconds since 1970 plus 3 months, no decimal places
- (NSString*) threeMonthsFromNow;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the number of seconds from "now" to beginning of 1970, plus 6 months
 * @return A string for the number of seconds since 1970 plus 6 months, no decimal places
- (NSString*) sixMonthsFromNow;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the number of seconds from "now" to beginning of 1970, plus 1 year
 * @return A string for the number of seconds since 1970 plus 1 year, no decimal places
- (NSString*) oneYearFromNow;

 * @brief Formats input date into yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format, in local time zone, appropriate for online queries
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)toRDSDate:(NSDate *)date;

 * @brief Formats input date into yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format, in GMT (UTC) time zone, appropriate for online queries
 * @param dateObj The date to be parsed, NSDate or NSString, which can also be in java milliseconds
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)toRDSGMTDate:(NSDate *)date;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the current datetime in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString *)rdsNow;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the 12:00:00 a.m today in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString*)beginningOfTodayRDS;

 * @brief Simple way to retrieve the 11:59:59 a.m today in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format
 * @return The date in string format
- (NSString*)endOfTodayRDS;

Enumeration Helper Functions

 * @brief Retrieve the element component of the enumeration
 * @param input The Enumeration object to extract from
 * @return A string, the element value in the enumeration object
- (NSString *)enumerationElement:(LDMEnumeration*) input;

 * @brief Retrieve the display component of the enumeration
 * @param input The Enumeration object to extract from
 * @return A string, the display value in the enumeration object
- (NSString *)enumerationDisplay:(LDMEnumeration*) input;

Dimension Helper Functions

 * @brief Retrieve the path component of the dimension
 * @param dimension The Dimension object to extract from
 * @return A string, the path value in the dimension object
- (NSString *)dimensionPath:(LDMDimension*) dimension;

 * @brief Retrieve the alias component of the dimension
 * @param dimension The Dimension object to extract from
 * @return A string, the alias value in the dimension object
- (NSString *)dimensionAlias:(LDMDimension*) dimension;

 * @brief Retrieve the last child value of the dimension (last value in brackets)
 * @param dimension The Dimension object to extract from
 * @return A string, the alias value in the dimension object
- (NSString *)dimensionLastChildMemberValue:(LDMDimension *)dimension;

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