
This class handles retrieving MediaAbstract items with ease. There are helper methods to obtain thumbnails as well, in case you need it for a collection / grid view.

#import <LiquidPlatformKit/LDLMedicaCache.h>
 * @discussion The singleton instance for the class. Only use this when working with LDLMediaCache
 * @return The global instance of LDLMediaCache
+ (LDLMediaCache *)sharedInstance;

 * @discussion Downloads the media given an media abstract item and returns the result in an async block
 * @param mediaAbstract The media abstract item in question
 * @param block success code block with a string of the local image location
 * @param failutreBlock failure code block that is called with error as parameter

- (void)retrieveMediaForMediaAbstract:(LDCMediaAbstract*)mediaAbstract completionHandler:(void (^)(NSString* path))block failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError* error))failureBlock;

 * @discussion Downloads the media for a given media ID and returns the result in an async block
 * @param mediaId The media id PK used to find the media abstract item
 * @param block success code block with a string of the local image location
 * @param failutreBlock failure code block that is called with error as parameter
- (void)retrieveMediaForMediaAbstractId:(NSString *)mediaId completionHandler:(void (^)(UIImage* image))block failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError* error))failureBlock;

 * @discussion Downloads a thumbnail for the media item and returns the result in an async block
 * @param mediaId The media id PK used to find the media abstract item
 * @param completionHandler success code block with a UIImage of the thumbnail
 * @param failutreBlock failure code block that is called with error as parameter
- (void)retrieveMediaThumbnailForMediaAbstractId:(NSString *)mediaId completionHandler:(void (^)(UIImage* image))block failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError* error))failureBlock;

 * @discussion Simple check to see if the thumbnail for a mediaId is already cached
 * @param mediaId The media id PK used to find the media abstract item
 * @return TRUE if the thumbnail is cached, FALSE otherwise
- (BOOL)isMediaThumbnailCached:(NSString*)mediaId;

 * @discussion Simple check to see if the media for a mediaId is already cached
 * @param mediaId The media id PK used to find the media abstract item
 * @return TRUE if the media is cached, FALSE otherwise
- (BOOL)isMediaCached:(NSString*)mediaId;

 * @discussion Given a media abstract item, returns the local path of the downloaded file
 * @param mediaAbstract The media abstract item in question
 * @return A string that represents the local path of the downloaded file
- (NSString*)dataFileNameForMediaAbstract:(LDCMediaAbstract*)mediaAbstract;

 * @discussion Gives the URL of the media abstract item hosted on the Liquid Server (sharing purposes)
 * @param mediaId The media id PK used to find the media abstract item
 * @param thumbail Detemriens whether you want the thumbnail version of the URL or not
 * @return A string that represents the URL of the hosted media on the server
- (NSString*)requestURLStringForMediaAbstract:(NSString *)mediaId thumbnail:(BOOL)thumbnail;

 * @discussion Clears out the cached database entirely
- (void)clear;

 * @discussion Clears out all of the thumbnails that have been previously downloaded
 * @return TRUE if the thummbnails delete successfully, FALSE otherwise
- (BOOL)deleteAllThumnails;

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    No results matching ""